Math 3rd/ 2024-25

Upcoming Assignments See all


Thursday 10/17: +/- inequalities in Google Classroom

Thursday 10/17: +/- inequalities

1) Complete the Quizizz below.
You have 3 attempts with the Quizizz. I will record your best grade. USE YOUR NOTES!  This is due @ 8:30 on 10/18.
2) Watch the videos below.
3) Write in your TOC: p.35 solve x/÷ inequalities
4) Print and complete the notes page below.
**If you are unable to print, write the notes on p.35 in your spiral.
5) Print and complete the practice page.
**If you are unable to print, complete on notebook paper.
Last Modified: Thursday, October 17 10:11 AM


Tuesday 12/17: test review in Google Classroom

Tuesday 12/17: test review

Click on the link below to start the game
You have unlimited attempts, so you are able to practice for the test as much as you want.

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 17 10:18 AM